Since moving to Munich in April I started attending various tech meetups. I had to wait for the next PHP meetup till the end of May (because the previous one was held late in March) but it was totally worth it – around 40 people attended, pizza and beer were tasty and the talks were about interesting topics. By chance the next meetup was, because of last minute speaker cancellation, a chance for me to have a lightning talk about HomeBrew PHP. I’ve attended other PHP-related user groups such as Magento (as a speaker) and Symfony. There is also Laravel group which I plan to check soon. Later in October I started my own UG about Phalcon framework


To sum it up: if you are new to the area just visit website, chances are high there are established user groups for various interests including PHP. In case there are none, feel free to start one (and add it to the PHP.UserGroup as well!). Don’t feel a stranger, embrace and share the knowledge, meet new people and just have fun 🙂


PHP as a language and as a community had a great year and clearly has a bright future, lets all keep up the pace in the 2016! I wish all the readers a nice Holidays season